Halsey is defined by Wikipedia as being both an indie-pop and an electro-pop artist. Indie-pop is a mashup of two genres, individual and popular. Electro-pop is also a mashup of two genres, electronic and popular. Below are the Wikipedia definitions for these genres, and the history behind them.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indie_pop https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electropop
Spotify (an online music streaming software) calculates artists similar to other artists by who the audience also listens to. According to Spotify, those similar to Halsey are artists such as Hayley Kiyoko, Melanie Martinez and Troye Sivan, who are also indie-pop and electro-pop artists.
Google images compiles many popular images that are often linked with certain words of phrases. Therefore I have Google image searched the genres Indiepop and Electropop. This will give me a clear insight to the tight of artists that are in those genres, and the iconography that I should include to fit my artists. When I searched Indiepop artists, performers such as Haim, Lana Del Rey and Foxes were shown, who are coincidentally all women. Further down, an image of Halsey's debut album, Badlands was shown, as well as Troye Sivan's EP, Wild.
When I Google image searched for Electropop artists, not many well known popular artists were shown, as it is considered a niche genre. However further down, an image of Halsey is shown, which implies that some people to refer to her as an Electropop artist.
When I had searched "electropop", Google immediately gave me the most searched for phrases. The first one that appeared was "electropop star Halsey", which clearly shows that she is one of the most influential and famous artists in the electropop genre, as no other artists were shown as a recommended phrase.
I also had Google image searched only the genres, so that I could grasp the clear stereotypical iconography that is shown throughout the images. Indiepop has quite a vintage style, using dark, natural colours that complement each other and represent a 60's theme. Wikipedia states that "indie quickly became shorthand for a genre whose defining conventions were identified as jangling guitars and a love of '60s pop" which complies with the vintage style iconography. In contrast, the search results for electropop showed a modern, neon coloured theme, usually a bright hot pink. Whilst indiepop was a compilation of complementing vintage colours and graphics, electropop shows bright, contrasting colours and graphics. I will show these genres in my music video by applying aspects of vintage and neon iconography. I do this so that my music video will be more believable and will fit in to the correct genres. If I was to include iconography such as black clothes, dark makeup and electric guitars, this wouldn't suit the genre, as that is stereotypical of the rock music genre.
Halsey's music video for her song, Ghost, uses mainly electropop imagery. It contains hardly any inidepop, which implies that Halsey herself believes that she is an electropop artists, and would rather be represented with iconography from that genre. Since Halsey plays a major part in the production and direction of her music videos, they are very representative of her own desires rather than those of directors hired by her record label. Therefore, I will include mainly electropop imagery in my music videos.